Build APK or AAB? How to Choose the Right Format for Your Android App
If you miss the notification, you can still locate the APK file in the following path within your project folder: app/build/outputs/apk/debug. The file is named app-debug.apk by default.
build apk
During a typical development cycle,you test an app using flutter run at the command line,or by using the Run and Debugoptions in your IDE. By default,Flutter builds a debug version of your app.
This section describes how to build a release app bundle.If you completed the signing steps,the app bundle will be signed.At this point, you might consider obfuscating your Dart codeto make it more difficult to reverse engineer. Obfuscatingyour code involves adding a couple flags to your build command,and maintaining additional files to de-obfuscate stack traces.
If you completed the signing steps,the APK will be signed.At this point, you might consider obfuscating your Dart codeto make it more difficult to reverse engineer. Obfuscatingyour code involves adding a couple flags to your build command.
A fat APK is a single APK that contains binaries for multipleABIs embedded within it. This has the benefit that the single APKruns on multiple architectures and thus has wider compatibility,but it has the drawback that its file size is much larger,causing users to download and store more bytes when installingyour application. When building APKs instead of app bundles,it is strongly recommended to build split APKs,as described in build an APK using the--split-per-abi flag.
Highlight the Project in your package explorer or project column, and then File - Project Structure - Artifacts - + - Android Application - From module 'your app' and then you can change the location and some other options. I enable build on make, just for ease.
[stderr] Calling [node, /home/expo/workingdir/build/node_modules/@react-native-community/cli/build/bin.js, config] finished with an exception. Error message: groovy.json.JsonException: Unable to determine the current character, it is not a string, number, array, or object
This is not a good security practice since you store the password in plain text. Instead of storing your keystore password in .gradle file, you can stipulate the build process to prompt you for these passwords if you are building from the command line.
There are frequent errors that show up in this process sometimes, which is typical to a React Native app, given React Native is continuously evolving. We are laying out here the most frequent React Native build errors that we ran into, to save you time and headaches.
Navigate to App Release sidebar. Here, you will see a list of tracks for various testing phases. Click on MANAGE in the production track. Then click CREATE RELEASE to create a React Native Android build APK.
How to build apk file in android studio
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After an application has been coded and tested, it is necessary toprepare a package for distribution. The first task in preparingthis package is to build the application for release, which mainlyentails setting some application attributes.
Xamarin.Android APKs can be made smaller through a combination of theXamarin.Android linker, which removes unnecessary managed code, andthe ProGuard tool from the Android SDK, which removes unused Javabytecode. The build process first uses the Xamarin.Android linker tooptimize the app at the managed code (C#) level, and then it later usesProGuard (if enabled) to optimize the APK at the Java bytecode level.
ProGuard is not an alternative to the Xamarin.Android linker. TheXamarin.Android linker links managed code, while ProGuard links Javabytecode. The build process first uses the Xamarin.Android linker tooptimize the managed (C#) code in the app, and then it later usesProGuard (if enabled) to optimize the APK at the Java bytecode level.
When Enable ProGuard is checked, Xamarin.Android runs the ProGuardtool on the resulting APK. A ProGuard configuration file is generatedand used by ProGuard at build time. Xamarin.Android also supportscustom ProguardConfiguration build actions. You can add a customProGuard configuration file to your project, right-click it, and selectit as a build action as shown in this example:
ProGuard is disabled by default. The Enable ProGuard option isavailable only when the project is set to Release mode. AllProGuard build actions are ignored unless Enable ProGuard ischecked. The Xamarin.Android ProGuard configuration does not obfuscatethe APK, and it is not possible to enable obfuscation, even with customconfiguration files. If you wish to use obfuscation, please seeApplication Protection with Dotfuscator.
During development of an Android application, debugging is performedwith the use of the Java Debug Wire Protocol (JDWP). This is atechnology that allows tools such as adb to communicate with a JVM forthe purposes of debugging. JDWP is turned on by default for Debugbuilds of a Xamarin.Android application. While JDWP is important duringdevelopment, it can pose a security issue for released applications.
Note that Debug builds automatically set some permissions to make debugeasier (such as Internet andReadExternalStorage). Release builds, however, use onlythe permissions that you explicitly configure. If you find thatswitching to the Release build causes your app to lose a permissionthat was available in the Debug build, verify that you have explicitlyenabled this permission in the Required permissionslist as described inPermissions.
Even with debugging disabled, it is still possible forattackers to re-package an application, adding or removingconfiguration options or permissions. This allows them toreverse-engineer, debug, or tamper with the application.Dotfuscator CommunityEdition (CE) canbe used to obfuscate managed code and inject runtime security statedetection code into a Xamarin.Android app at build time to detectand respond if the app is running on a rooted device.
Even with debugging disabled, it is still possible forattackers to re-package an application, adding or removingconfiguration options or permissions. This allows them toreverse-engineer, debug, or tamper with the application.Although it does not support Visual Studio for Mac, you can useDotfuscator Community Edition (CE)with Visual Studio to obfuscate managed code and inject runtime security statedetection code into a Xamarin.Android app at build time to detectand respond if the app is running on a rooted device.
The LLVM Optimizing Compiler will create smaller and faster compiledcode and convert AOT-compiled assemblies into native code, but at theexpense of slower build times. The LLVM compiler is disabled bydefault. To use the LLVM compiler, the AOT Compilation option mustfirst be enabled (on thePackaging Properties page).
App bundles differ from APKs as they cannot be deployed directly to a device. Rather, it's a format that is intended to be uploaded with all of your compiled code and resources. After you upload your signed app bundle, Google Play will have everything it needs to build and sign your application's APKs and serve them to your users using Dynamic Delivery.
After all of the above steps are completed, the app is ready forcompilation. Select Build > Rebuild Solution to verify that itbuilds successfully in Release mode. Note that this step does not yetproduce an APK.
After all of the above steps are completed, compile the application(select Build > Build All) to verify that it builds successfullyin Release mode. Note that this step does not yet produce an APK.
Another way to create an archive is to right-click the Solution in theSolution Explorer and select Archive All..., which builds thesolution and archives all Xamarin projects that can generate anarchive:
The Details Panel displays additional information about eacharchive. It also allows the user to start the Distribution workflow oropen the folder where the distribution has been created. The BuildComments section makes it possible to include build comments in thearchive.
Archive for Publishing builds the project and bundles it into anarchive file. The Archive All menu choice archives all archivableprojects in the solution. Both options automatically open the ArchiveManager when the build and bundling operations complete:
This page contains instructions on how to build your Unity application for Android and considerations to be aware of when you do. For information on the build process for Android and the tools Unity uses, refer to How Unity builds Android applications.
Instead of building your application, you can also export the Unity project as a Gradle project and import that into Android Studio. This is useful if you want more control over the build pipeline, want to see or modify the Android App Manifest that Unity generates for your application, or integrate Unity-powered features into another Android application. For more information, see Exporting an Android project.
Some digital distribution services that host Android applications have particular requirements that can change the build process. For example, Google Play requires your application to be an Android App Bundle (AAB) and not an APK. If you are targeting a specific digital distribution service with your build, refer to the documentation for that Digital distribution service first to check if the requirements differ.
If you want to build your application for debugging purposes, application patching can help you reduce the time it takes to build your application. For more information, refer to Application patching.
I recently came across Capacitor and i tried it, I find it better than Cordova.But the only thing is I could not find a command to generate .apk or archive.In Cordova, I was able to generate .apk without even opening Android Studio.I am looking for capacitor equivalent commands for ionic cordova build android and ionic cordova build ios